Monday, June 23, 2008

Sorry for my delay, I've got words to say!

I'm the tallest girl in my office of several hundred people. It brings lots of stares, lots of questions, and pretty much each of the other tall women in the firm (there are a couple women who are in the 5'9-5'10 range) tell me how excited they are to have me here and to not feel like the tallest girl in the firm anymore ;)

I don't mind being the tallest woman around. In fact, I'm so used to it that I almost feel challenged when another tall woman is in the room and is actually taller than me. This has only happened once or twice. Usually, it's a 6'2" girl who is used to being the tallest girl around and then I walk into the room. Half the time they love me, half the time they hate me. Because when you are the tallest girl around, for some (I'll admit, including me) it's almost like an award you start to wear proudly. It's like, if you're voted the best actress and then someone walks into the room who is a better actress than you. Maybe I'm alone in this, but I don't think I am.

There is a guy in the office right next to me who claims to be 6'5" but even when I'm wearing heels I'm not taller than him, so I think he might be underestimating his height which is an interesting turn of events since men usually embellish their height by 2+ inches. Anyway, when we walk into a room together, people describe it as some kind of "force" blowing toward them. Everyone at work keeps talking about how tall all of us newbies are, when really... there are about 5 or 6 of us over 6 feet out of FIFTY. And of course, to me, anyone shorter than me is short, so that leaves 3 people total who are tall.

In non-work news, this weekend I had the following two encounters:

1) Random woman in a church lobby:
"OMG YOU ARE SO TALL!" *looks down at my feet* "OMG YOU'RE IN FLATS! OMG!" *walks away*

2) Random man at a bar:
"What nationality are you?"
Me: "....American?"
"No... but like are you Swedish or something?"
Me: "I don't know... dutch and german?"
"Wow... because yeah... you are really tall."

Apparently white tall girls MUST be from a northern european country because there is no way one could be born and raised in the United States with a family that has been in the U.S. since the Mayflower? Now that I think about it, I've actually got the nationality question quite a bit.

I'm moving to London in less than two months... And I suppose it's a good thing people tend to think I'm european and not American, eh? :)


mel said...

thanks for posting that :). as a 6'3'' girl, i totally relate to this blog.

Alice@longtallsally said...


This is a fantastic post for tall girls! I work for a company called Long Tall Sally (, and we specialize in clothing for tall women.

Working for a specialist tall retailer, I've also come across a couple of websites which have links to lots of resources for tall women (and larger shoe sizes):,,,,,

I hope this helps in your quest to find longer inseams!


Michelle (so far it's just me) said...

Thanks for those links Alice!! I'll add them to the side list of links! :)